Hi guys. I've shed my hermit's mantle for a brief time to make a video update for the Evans and Stokes social media pages. Thought since y'all have "known" me for years here, you might get a giggle to actually hear me actually talk for once (and to hear a demo of a new song).
OMG! I was expecting leather, fiery-pink hair, tattoos and piercings...
You seem a little nervous but it's cute 😉
Ha! I have had pink hair in the past. Red too, but yeah, just uncut lockdown hair for the foreseeable future. Sold my leather years ago ?
Nah, I'm not nervous. I'm just a fidgety, can't-sit-still kind of person. It's why I don't watch TV. Not enough going on, lol.
I was expecting more of a Kiwi accent :).
That's an interesting song idea, especially the bit about Leopold. It's only comparatively recently in the light of books like Adam Hochschild's "King Leopold's Ghost," that people started to become more aware of the horror. I visited the African Museum just outside Brussels many times and never saw any reference to what actually went on.
I notice you didn't deny the tattoos or piercings. Just because we can't see them doesn't mean that they're not there 🙂
I may or may not be an enigma
Funny you should single out Leopold, Gavin. I have been having a discussion with a Belgian fan about it. He took some little offense at my singling out Leopold, saying that Leopold did not wield the knife so while guilty of ignoring the plight of workers, was not alone in the crime. Of course he's right. No great evil is ever done without enablers. And, of course, at the time he was not alone in the exploitation of the African people. What "civilized" nation was not? Scotland perhaps (who were dealing with the tail end of their own exploitation)?
I'm interested to hear you went to the African Museum. Just curious, did it focus mainly on the efforts to civilize and bring Christianity to Africa? It's what I'd expect. Countries don't like to air their dirty laundry. Only recently (as in the last couple of years) has New Zealand started to cover the NZ Land Wars with any authenticity in the schools. A lot of people are offended by it (despite the fact that it was like 170 years ago)
Regarding the Kiwi accent. Yeah, I don't have much of an accent. I've lived in many places in my life so my accent is pretty subtle. I grew up mostly in Canada though so the base of my accent is Canadian. When I'm back in Canada though, I find that people have some trouble understanding me so I've learned to modulate my accent a bit to be more understandable to North Americans.
Actually, Scotland has its fair share of blame. Every country has. Some of the more impressive buildings in Glasgow were built on the profits of sugar plantations in places like the West Indies. Growing up, you never realized this. It was hidden from view. You never asked yourself why there was a Jamaica Street in Glasgow, for instance. I think the same is even more true of Belgium, although what Leopold was up to was so much worse than anyone else at the time, and the idea that it was all done for his personal gain while concealing it from the world somehow makes it seem even worse.
The museum is in a wooded area on the outskirts of Brussels called Tervuren. There is a huge statue of an elephant outside. Mostly it was artefacts and dioramas displayed in an old-fashioned manner. I don't remember much in the way of an educational purpose, good or bad. It may well be very different now.
I may or may not be an enigma