Challenge! Write anything other than a lovesong without any political bias 🙂
Politics is fine if it's in a song. Anyone should feel free to post that in Lyrics Library and Tune Topics. This area is for non-music-related bloviating to keep it out of the other topic forums. I'm hoping it's the least used part of the site and we can remove it after a while. I noticed over at SW101 that very little of interest was posted in "Off Topic," especially for those with limited knowledge of Korean, no current need for false documents and no inclination to make the trip to India for Bombay escorts.
It all feels very "homy" and welcoming! Working well with my PS4 also! Outstanding job Gavin!!!! ?Â
Totally agree. I've been trying out all the bells and whistles. "Forgot" my password just to see what would happen. All good. Fabulous Gav
Challenge accepted:
Sitting in a chair
Staring at a wall
I wish I had more hair
And a rubber, bouncy ball
My coffee cup is empty
Again it has run dry
"Fill me!" the call tempts me
And so I must comply
Be right back.
Nope. Fail. There's the pro-coffee people and then there's tea drinkers. TOTally political that. ?Â
Nope. Not fail. I'm not saying or implying that coffee is for everyone nor should they try some. Just stated a fact that my coffee cup was empty. Just because there are 2 kinds of people, those who drink coffee and those who are wrong doesn't make it one iota political.
LOL I had never seen the Yooks & Zooks. Love Dr. Seuss! I think he's the wisest person to ever live.