Unnecessary Concern...
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Unnecessary Concern... Justified apathy lol

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I'm a he, she's a her, but some get to decide
Some believe reality is just a state of mind
If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound
I'm no fool, I can see, it's lying on the ground

Idiots with degrees will ponder things like this
And conclude that we can't prove if we even exist
Deeper thinking college grads climb the social ladder
I'm content to just be, and focus on what matters

Yes is yes, no means no, there's no more room to grow
At my age I spend my days satisfied to know
Wisdom is a gift, knowledge roams adrift
Having nothing left to prove is freedom to forego
Unnecessary concern

I'm pleased if we agree, but rest assured I'm done
Awareness is overrated, arguments are for the young
Philosophy is apostasy, I'll break but not bend
I'm so tired of making sense, tired of chasing the wind...


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Posts: 1007

You have a great way of writing stuff that I totally disagree with and still making me admire the writing. Like the last line about making sense - you seldom do LOL, but I love seeing where you go. This is really good. It's so tightly written, no words wasted, it makes you think and it flows really well.

I may or may not be an enigma

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Well, as long as we're all thinking... lol

Thanks Gav! 😉

