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"Long Haul Man"

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So this is the first song that I completed and felt satisfied with, but it's been long enough that I can look back and take criticism, constructive or not.  Really all appreciated.

Long haul man
can't get back
to his home;
been gone too long...

Lost again
to the spreading wind.
Big rig man
alone again.


Oh, he needs someone to fix him
open up his head,
excise the evil,
insert somethin' good instead

Oh, he needs someone to fix him
or take away his will
or turn his heart to stone
'cause then he'll never feel.


I got the road.
It points ahead;
The way to go
until I'm dead.

But that's untrue;
I'm not running to--
I'm running from
what's in my head.


Oh I need someone to fix me
open up my head
excise the evil
insert somethin' good instead

Oh I need someone to fix me
or take away my will,
or turn my heart to stone
so then I'll never feel.


I found some light.
I cupped it up.
I drank it down.
It filled me up.

It warmed my soul;
brought me peace.
A sweet release...
It made me whole.


Thought I needed someone to fix me,
open up my head,
shovel out the bad stuff,
put in something good instead

I don't need someone to fix me
or take away my will;
turns out I didn't need that
just needed to be healed.

Oh no, I didn't that
just needed
something real.

This topic was modified 5 years ago by royalestel
