Hatsune Miku, the singer who does not exist, will give her first concert in Spain
The virtual artist, a true phenomenon in Japan, will go through Barcelona in January 2020. His previous performance in Spain was the opera 'The end'
What is happening to the World?
The bad part of the doubt is that it has no face
It sounds like the Song has strong Structure, 'hits' THE Hook many times, and has strong Arrangement (instrumental accompaniment).
The players perform a tight execution of the music.
The avatar is 'cute', and the Japanese are very 'into' cute. I think they were the first to have a Mickey Mouse Disney operation, which features 'cute' characters in abundance.
The dancing avatar is well choreographed. The outfit exposing the legs is sexually appealing. The apparently blonde hair appeals to Japanese men and women alike.
It's quite a package of 'art' succeeding on many levels. I hope you get to go and see and hear the show. Your own musical and video explorations may benefit from seeing what an extreme exploration suggests for less complex constructions. And it will be interesting to see if they can 'pull it off'. I suspect the price of a ticket may be prohibitive.
Despite 1,000's of years of Songwriting humans have not exhausted the possibilities. There will always be another Song to be written. Someone will write it. Why not you? www.garyeandrews.com
That's pretty incredible. I agree that this is "art" succeeding on many levels. The song's good, the animation is first-rate. Wow!
But how good is she at interviews? LOL.
It is pretty amazing.
I may or may not be an enigma
Did I see something a while back, (maybe posted by Gary Andrews, and could have been on SW101-not sure) about virtual singers? Is that what this is?
Music is an international language, say it with a song. deaconmusic4u@gmail.com
I disagree with you all, the product is good and the arrangements on which she meows are well made but ... is this the future?
Surrender to technology interpreting what? A style of music repeated to boredom and that brings nothing to art or culture, because this is not culture, it is pure marketing. Who will we worship tomorrow? Are we so snobs already?
How many anonymous and humble artists cannot share their beauty with the rest of the world because they are not considered spectacle? That's it, show ... without a soul.
The bad part of the doubt is that it has no face
I couldn't agree with you more, though interesting, somehow knowing there is no artistic talent involved other than a programmer. Where is the ability to turn thoughts into lyrics, to tell a story, to hold and play an instrument, it seems the human element is becoming more irrelevant.
Music is an international language, say it with a song. deaconmusic4u@gmail.com
Arguably it's not much different from a Disney cartoon, except on a stage rather than a screen. To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about it except that I wouldn't pay to see it.
I may or may not be an enigma
Music is an international language, say it with a song. deaconmusic4u@gmail.com
Art, someone said, is much about presentation. I seem to recall a story that Picasso noticed a bicycle seat and handlebars in a junk shop and 'presented' it as 'El Toro'; art. Art in a frame, under glass, takes a step up in appreciative value. Lighting can enhance art. Even the place where it is 'presented' can enhance its perceived value of accomplishment.
Art is 'suggestion', a dab of paint 'suggesting' people, places or things, the highlight one might expect on a shiny object. The vocal timbre of a singer can 'present' emotion, artificially, yet convincingly real.
Art is evolutionary. Much of what becomes accepted art did not exist at one time. Photography was finally accepted as an art form. Abstract. Cubism.
Only seeing this 'art' presented live would convince me it qualified, fully, as art. I don't know what I'm seeing, how it is 'presented' visually, technologically speaking. I find it entertaining 'enough' as posted here, free of cost, simply something that exists and I think worthy of 'presenting' for your consideration.
I don't know how it is 'presented' as sound. I think there are real musicians, possibly a real lead singer. Whether I would 'buy it', exchanging the coin of the realm to experience it, live or in audio/visual form, is another matter.
Despite 1,000's of years of Songwriting humans have not exhausted the possibilities. There will always be another Song to be written. Someone will write it. Why not you? www.garyeandrews.com
I never heard the term 'virtual singers'. Google gave this: https://www.google.com/search?q=virtual+singers&oq=virtual+singers&aqs=chrome..69i57.5673j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Despite 1,000's of years of Songwriting humans have not exhausted the possibilities. There will always be another Song to be written. Someone will write it. Why not you? www.garyeandrews.com
The Japanese have always led the league in odd art. Remember YOKO ONO? They have thirty second songs, Anime, and all kinds of cultural things we don't and probably will never understand. At some point, probably, Aritificial Intellegence will replace people for music, and cultural things. This is probably another step toward that. Good luck.
Marc-Alan Barnette