Nuthin' (All I want...
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Nuthin' (All I want is nuthin')

Sunset Poet - Martin
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by Marty 2021

Link to video...


Comments welcome. Currently guitar/vocal. Will be adding production in a couple of months. Comments concerning that are also welcome.



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Looks like you've got what you wanted as far as comments are concerned so far 🙂


Great song, Marty I don't think this needs a whole lot in the way of production. Keep it simple and let the vocal shine, I think.

I may or may not be an enigma

Jenny Stokes
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Hi Martin. Great tune. Great lyrics. Love your voice. It's wonderfully mellow. I'd suggest sustaining the vowel sound in the word "Life" at 0.34. Instead of emphasizing the "f," spend a little more time on the "i." I just felt the way you sang that one word made me disengage for a moment. It kind of broke my connection with the song and then I had to reengage. Does that make sense?


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Nice easy listening. Vocals really solid.

carroll kiphen

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Enjoyed Da Listen

Larry G. Killam

Sunset Poet - Martin
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Thanks to everyone who commented. I haven't logged on in a while. Sorry for the late response.

Jenny, will try out your suggestion.



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Yo, Marty!
I won't be redundant and comment on your "MASTERPIECE" lol, you already know you're the boss! 🙂

But I will ask, ahemmm, have you heard anything about "that other site"? I hate to admit it, but I really miss Dom Dom...

Sunset Poet - Martin
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Months ago, I think that I recall Brian posting that the site was going to undergo a renovation of some kind. If I had to guess...They might have gotten into the renovation and then run into some issues that were difficult and/or expensive to remedy. I don't truly know.

As for the rest of it, what happens there, stays there.  😉  Wear a mask. Don't be a spreader.  😉

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Sunset Poet - Martin

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@sunset-poet-martin I think the issue was that the site was insecure. Presumably he took some steps to fix it, which might not be so easy since it's built on a very old platform. I had to do the same here. There are always technical issues popping up. Recently there were problems with the log in page due to an upgrade automatically applied by my host and it took me a while to find and fix the problem because I'm really not an expert.

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Lol, Interesting timing on that "mask" remark Marty... I don't know for sure because I've never been tested, and Walmart is always out of tests... but I believe that I'm now getting over my second "natural" bout of Covid, and this second time was definitely worse than the first! 

Really stop and think about that for a moment... I've always believed that I'm one of the 99% who simply isn't going to die from Covid, because I've never worn a mask and I caught it early. ""BUT""..., and if I'm right..., I can personally attest to the fact that the virus is most definitely mutating and getting worse! If my "natural" immunity and antibodies did little to stave off this second more intense infection, then what possible good can the vaccine be doing? The vaccine is not evolving... and "breakthrough" cases have been a problem from the beginning.

I'm really not trying to be obstinate, or an alarmist. In fact, I truly hope I'm wrong... but I don't think so.

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I hate to see any of these sites go under. They provide valuable feed and an opportunity to meet and work with people around the world. As far as vaccines I’ll be 70 next summer and if it helps me get thru this for a few more years I’m taking the shots. I know I might still get sick from it but chances of surviving it are better. I know it’s not a true vaccine but I don’t have a problem with mandated vaccine programs. It used to be law you had polio, smallpox , diphtheria/tetanus to enroll in public school. This all but eradicated these diseases from the population. Sometimes the public’s welfare overrides individual rights. Just my opinion.

carroll kiphen

Sunset Poet - Martin
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I am 69 next month and share your attitude. I have had two Pfizers and the booster. And if they announce tomorrow that there is a 4th shot ready for me, I will likely go get it.

Having said that, the "sales job" that they did on the effectiveness of the  "vaccine" is dramatically different from the latest news that the shot does not guarantee that you can't get the disease or spread the disease...but only lessens the probably of contracting the disease or having serious symptoms. Additionally confusing is that I watch the covid stats put out by tex med center and the disease is declining dramatically in the population even though schools are in session, football stadiums across the state are packed to capacity, the world series is packed and the baseball crowds pour into downtown, nightclubs are humming, etc.

I dont know what to make to make of it and would prefer that experts give me the benefit of (the truth) simply saying that they dont know...sometimes.


Stay safe,

