Hey. I am a vocalist and wrote a song. I am looking for the author of the text, the person who will write the words for the song in English. This is a beautiful song, and the author of the text should write deep and beautiful texts on various topics: love, life, space, human victory over trials. The text should be inspirational and understandable. You have to be a native English speaker from America or Europe. If I like the text, I will buy it for $ 100 with the transfer of all exclusive rights to me.
I couldn't find the song here. You want to buy song lyrics incl. all exclusive rights for 100$? I would never go for a deal like that. Sorry.
All the best
Here's a Lyricist from LinkedIn.
I'd like to hear your 'Song' myself.
Despite 1,000's of years of Songwriting humans have not exhausted the possibilities. There will always be another Song to be written. Someone will write it. Why not you? www.garyeandrews.com
I'm confused.... "author of the text.....?" If you’re a vocalist who wrote a song, then it seems to me you just need someone to help you translate into English. If that’s the case, then I'd like to see your original lyrics.