Sure wish others would post here!
carroll kiphen
Yeah, would be nice. I have asked the same thing about what everyone is doing, and there just doesn't seem to be any interactions.
Web sites are an iffy thing in the first place. Sort of hit and miss no matter what you do. Songwriting and entertainment sites are even more so because most poeple already think they know everything, and don't need anything, or people who actually DO want to know something, ask something or interact, come on, look around and find nothing they are interested in and move on. Younger people, think all these types of sites are just a bunch of old people (which they mostly are) and are really only interested in someone telling them how to get record deals, make money or how great they are.
Some people only come to sites like this for confrontation. They maybe have been burned by the industry or some other form of being dissed, and just want to pick fights with others and create friction. There is a great myth that art has to have confronation and unhappiness to be any good, which is total nonsense. But many people feel that way. For most people, particularly in these fractious times, it is only a cue to get the hell out of dodge. Not worth the time getting into arguments with someone you don't know, will never meet and has no effect over your life at all. Let them be mired in their own misery. A total waste of time.
Those that do want to learn will usually find other sites, since any songwriters are usually on between three and five other sites. So they just move along. There have been good parts of this site and most of them. But people have their own issues and desires, agendas, and so only time can tell if people will hook into any of this, or simply dissapear like so many hundreds or thousands of sites a day do. This site came together because another one shut down, but for the life of me, I can't even remember what that one was.
Personally, I'm generally around if someone starts a conversation, and if I can add to it. I'll be happy to provide an opinion. I'm always glad to share anything I can if it will help. If there are things I have no contributions to, I won't.
Glad to hear fomr you and hope all in your life is well.
Marc-Alan Barnette
What's up guys. I haven't been here in a long time. No particular reason, just too many places to post what I've got going on. Anyway, I've got some catching up to do here 🙂
Good to see a familiar face. Hardly anyone posting here. How are you and family after the covid ordeal?
carroll kiphen
@ckiphen Thanks. I just updated that in another post. Doing well. Not 100% but thankful to be ALIVE!
Glad to see you John. So sorry for your challenges and that of your wifes. But sounds like you are on your way back. Great to see you.
Marc-Alan Barnette
Hi guys,
haven't been here for a long time. This pandemic is driving me nuts. Well, my wife gave birth to our daughter a couple of month ago. I am a father now :). Couldn't be happier. I am still making music. Playing guitar and ukulele for my little girl... you know. "
Hush, my little cowgirl, no reason to cry
Your papa will sing you, a sweet lullaby
So go to sleep cowgirl, no reason to fear
Cause all through the night, I´ll be here
Well, in the last couple of years I was i was trying, trying, trying and gave my best in music. My best is simply not good enough 🙂 ... It was always just for the fun of it and it will always be this way ...
Every once in a while I get in the mood or so... and start to play...
I'm sure you have priorities in order MG. Congratulations ?
No matter what you do, it's kind of hit or miss. The majority of people assume they already know everything and don't need anything, which makes songwriting and entertainment websites even more popular. Those who DO want to learn something, interact, or ask a question simply come on, look around, and move on if they don't find anything of interest. The majority of these websites cater to older audiences, which younger people mistakenly believe solely care about advice on how to acquire record deals, make money, or how amazing they are.