So I had this idea for a song where I was thinking that we all have the potential to be a killer. For example maybe something happens to a loved one or maybe we go insane. Maybe we were born good but became influenced by others and turned bad. Like the idea that everyone is born pretty much as a clean slate, but then as we grow and are exposed to outside influences we could become a bad person...a killer. So imagine your upbringing that molded the person you are today (hopefully a good person). But what if YOU grew up in a different environment...would you have turned out the same way? Or would the killer within be unleashed?
Good idea? Stupid idea?
Well either way, that idea was swirling in my head and I was thinking that it may work well with very creepy, slow, and heavy music. I wound up writing a whole song around that idea. Some of the parts still need to be developed further and it's about 4 and a half minutes long already.
Here is a sample of the verse and chorus. I'm still working on the intro, bridge, outro, and lead guitars.
Jen hasn't heard this one yet. Hopefully she digs it!
Before you hit PLAY I recommend headphones and volume up to at least 8 out of 10. 🙂
Exactly the right mood! At about 0:36 seems like the point where he (or maybe even better, she) switches from menace to action. With the right lyric, this could be really good.
I think shitty people are typically about 70% born that way and 30% a product of their upbringing. That's why their eyes give can them away - genetics. That might be something that could be incorporated in the lyrics. The eye thing, not the percentages 🙂
I may or may not be an enigma
I wish I could play like you.
Hey thanks guys. This one is turning out pretty cool. Intro and bridge are now done. Many the intro is super creepy. It may give me nightmares.
D - This song is actually not that difficult to play but there are a lot of layers in the chorus. I layer a lot when I record. I think that chorus has 6 guitar tracks, 1 bass track and 2 keyboard tracks. Playing each alone sounds like crap but all together it's a huge sound.
When you guys record do you record all guitar parts twice then pan one right and the other left? If not then I recommend doing that. Then sometimes I change guitar tones and do the same parts two more times but at lower volume. So the result would be two of the same tone get spread 1 100% right and 1 100% left and the second two tracks get spread 1 50% left and 1 50% right with a deeper tone at much lower volume. It's a pain to play the same parts so many times and try to play them the exact same way but the result is BIG.
How's this for an intro? Too weird? I was thinking it was like an inner child tempting you. Your 'Killer' is hidden 'Within' and she is going to let it out. I did the intro effects with a midi keyboard and the Magix Samplitude software that I have. It took me like 3 hours to get it right. It's exhausting plodding through effects...there are sooooo many. 🙁
You scared the living daylights out of me, John. Brilliant.
I may or may not be an enigma
The bridge is even worse Gav. I think Jen is going to hate this one. It sounds really evil. But if the message of the song is actually about controlling your inner demon then maybe we can get away with it.
Here is the full song. What do you guys & gals think?
I only record one guitar track and pan it 30% to the left.
It's hard to hear the wee girl's voice in the bridge. It would only take a very slight increase in volume to solve that. Are we meant to be able to make out what the other voice is saying? Or is it just background?
I think this could turn out the best of anything you guys have done.
I may or may not be an enigma
Wow thanks Gav. Yeah I'm liking this one a lot too. I just want to be sure the message of the song is appropriate. I do know what you are saying about the levels on the voice in the bridge and I'm planning to make those adjustments. The background creepy voice isn't really meant to be understood, but rather left to the imagination.
I had this . Feel free to Scavenge lyrics from it if they fit what you need.
The sick little man inside you
The night is awake with feelings;
meant only for our dreams.
Nightmares and delusions
intended to make us scream.
Deep dark secrets that we keep
Suppressed in the light of day
Come out at night to prowl
from your mental alley ways.
That sick little man inside you
Does things you’d never do.
He’s your id, your ego,
the twisted side of you.
You push him down deep inside
As you go about your days
But after dark he comes alive
to play and misbehave.
It worries you some nights
That you might not awake.
What if he casts a spell
And find he’s taken your place?
There you are trapped inside
As a witness to his crimes
And he doesn’t have a thing to fear
because you’re his alibi.
That sick little man inside you
Does things you’d never do.
He’s your id, your ego,
the twisted side of you.
You push him down deep inside
As you go about your days
But after dark he comes alive
to play and misbehave.
After a while you’re lost.
You don’t know who is who.
Which side of the window
Are you looking through?
carroll kiphen
Also have this one about a criminal Psychologist.
The Shrink
As you venture down the back roads
And the alleys of my mind
You feed upon the secrets
And the sickness that you find.
You make yourself feel better
Than you know you really are
Guided through the darkness
by the light of who you are.
It’s evil seeking evil
For the comfort of it’s kind.
Going through my garbage
Like a rodent in my mind.
You nourish your own sickness
I see your subtle smile
That veils the inner hatred
That you put away on file
As dirty little secrets
All safe and tucked away
Dirty little secrets
That you’ll use some other day.
They’ll come from down the dirt roads
And the alleys of your mind
To seek their satisfaction
In the sickness they will find.
It’s evil seeking evil
And there’s nothing you can do.
The things you say you hate in me
Will only nourish you.
carroll kiphen
Ooh I like The Shrink.
I went with a more generic theme and re-titled it 'Dolls'. I thought that if it stood as instrumental then that's a creepy enough title to fit with the music. Or if lyrics to get added then maybe it's still called Dolls but the lyrics have a deeper meaning. Someone on a different forum suggested maybe it be about abortion. Maybe that's too heavy though. I never know what's too heavy and what's not....I just write the riffs man.
Here is the new version of the song with some added lead guitar and pop up images of scary dolls to give you all nightmares!
Deep dark secrets that we keep
Suppressed in the light of day
Come out at night to prowl
from your mental alley ways.
Nice Carroll.
Thanks feel free to scavenge from it.
carroll kiphen