Hey Gary, what do y...
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Hey Gary, what do you make of this?

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@Gary E. Andrews

I received this PM on another site... I'm not sure I get it. I don't even know how I should respond to this. Please tell me what you think...


Hi, Gtar Pkr!

 I hope this message finds you well. I would like to buy a link per month in your signature (site  https://forums.songstuff.com ) to our website

Ghost Produced Tracks

If the effect is good, I will be glad to cooperate with you on an ongoing basis.
Link text: Ghost Production Service. Buy Exclusive Tracks with 100% of Copyright and release them as your own©
Link address:

Ghost Produced Tracks

I look forward to your reply.

Best regards,
Anatolii Vered
The owner & founder of "I am Ghost Producer"


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My guess would be that this person wants to pay you to insert a link to his bs site in your signature at that website, hoping that some people will click on it. Or it's some other kind of scam, maybe phisihing, hoping you'll click on one of the links he lists and download some malware.

I may or may not be an enigma

Gary E. Andrews
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How simple it would be for them to tell you what they want.
Instead it is abstract, to the point of being non-specific. I don't know what they're 'buying' or 'selling', or whether they're buying or selling. 
They want to 'buy' a link per month from your website...to do what with? What 'use' do they intend to make of your 'link'? 
If 'the effect' is good...what 'effect'? Consumers buying your track from them? 
Then it looks like they're 'selling' tracks, for exclusive use by you to release as your own, owning 100% of Copyright.
You can ask them for more information, and the contract they want you to enter into.
The lack of clarity, to me, is offputting. Can they communicate more clearly in future correspondence? You'd have to engage to find out.
I often hear the guitar work on your tracks and am astounded by the sophistication. Maybe they hear it too and think they can 'sell' it.
But maybe they're just phishing.
How much are they offering to 'buy' a 'link', and what does the 'sale' of that 'link' entail? One track? For a specified period? Or an open 'link' to everything on your site in perpetuity? 
See? Too many unanswered technical questions, legal questions your 'signature' on a contract commits you to, which casts doubt on the 'business' sense of the 'offering' party.
If you're curious, ask them what the deal is. What do they want to 'buy', for how much, how long, and what are they going to do with it ('effect'?). 
See the contract. Read it and see if it makes sense from your perspective of ownership and control. 
Do they offer a link to what they're doing? Can you tell anything about them from their website?

Despite 1,000's of years of Songwriting humans have not exhausted the possibilities. There will always be another Song to be written. Someone will write it. Why not you? www.garyeandrews.com

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I didn't want to go to their website, but there's a description of what they do at SoundCloud.


I may or may not be an enigma

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This is how I responded, I'll keep ya'll in the loop 🙂


Hi Anatolii,

I'm not sure what

  On 7/9/2022 at 8:33 AM, Profusser said:

I would like to buy a link per month in your signature (site  https://forums.songstuff.com ) to our website

Ghost Produced Tracks

actually means lol... Please explain. I haven't been on this site for very long, so if there's a particular song you're interested in just let me know :)


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Now, THAT really makes me wonder what he wants from ME!?! LOL?

Could make an interesting collab partner 🙂


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I asked the MOD what he thought...

""Thanks for letting me know. It’s a cheap way to get links without paying site advertising rates, on sites where the admins don’t know it is going on. It also bypasses him putting in any effort. He messaged me too! Doh! I got the message on Friday but haven’t responded to him yet.

Thanks again for the head’s up. We don’t allow such links. The issue for him is that now his site will be banned which means even genuine links posted by members who do like what he does in terms of products will be filtered out. When businesses take the piss, they lose any trust and goodwill. Tbh, who wants to work with anyone with such a self-serving, dishonest attitude?""


Oh well, just another day in cyberwaste...


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Yep, I thought it was something like that.

I may or may not be an enigma
