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Worse than the disease

A Night To ReMember
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Yes I feel that I must, this is so important. But most people don't believe me or don't want to know.

I am not an anti-vaxxer! But I am, and always was, very skeptical of the drug companies. Vaccines can be helpful, but they can also be very harmful. The vaccine makers are not liable for damaged health so what do they care.

One of the most hopeful of the new COVID 19 vaccines is being developed and tested by Moderna, a relatively new company. 

No, I am NOT a biologist. However I am a retired software developer and I understand how dangerous it can be to modify a complex system you do not understand well. And that is EXACTLY what this unprecedented vaccine technology does. And, if it passes the short term tests, it will be used on billions of healthy people.

Please be patient and let me explain.

The old vaccine technology makes the antigen and then injects it into people. The antigen is protein from part of the virus, that the body will use to create the antibodies. The antibodies allow the immune system to recognize and destroy the virus if it enters the body.

One of the new vaccine technologies is quicker, and therefore is being used to make the COVID 19 vaccine, since everyone is in a hurry to end the pandemic.

This is how it works: 

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is genetically engineered that contains the code for the protein of this virus's spikes. The vaccine contains this mRNA, in a protective solution. RNA is normally destroyed when it enters the body, so this mRNA must be protected. And to make sure the mRNA gets into our cells, electric current is applied when the vaccine is injected.

After this RNA gets into our cells, it instructs the cells to create the COVID 19 spikes, which are the antigen. And then the RNA is destroyed.

Sounds terrific, right? Well yes that's what the geniuses in charge are saying. As long as NOTHING GOES WRONG!

What could go wrong? Well just about anything. 

The processes that go on in living cells are UNFATHOMABLY complex. You think the great experts understand it all, but they don't. They understand a tiny bit, which looks like a lot because they have observed so many complicated details.

Will this injected mRNA behave quietly, do its job, and then disappear? 

No one knows.

Cancer and autoimmune disorders are likely to result if certain things go wrong. And we won't know from short term testing.

This vaccine could be forced on anyone who needs to travel, get a job, go to school, etc. Even though the long-term effects will not be known!

Will there be epidemic levels of cancer and autoimmune disorders years from now? No one knows! But don't worry, the vaccine makers will not be liable. If you get a horrible disease, it will be your problem.






This topic was modified 4 years ago 5 times by Polly

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You make some good points, Polly. That vaccine does work in a different way from others. The unusual thing about this pandemic is that there is likely to be a selection of different vaccines available within a short space of time. When they become available, it will be worth doing your homework on how they differ.

I may or may not be an enigma

A Night To ReMember
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Posted by: @gavin

You make some good points, Polly. That vaccine does work in a different way from others. The unusual thing about this pandemic is that there is likely to be a selection of different vaccines available within a short space of time. When they become available, it will be worth doing your homework on how they differ.

The mRNA vaccines are much faster to make, so they are very likely to be the only type of vaccine available. 

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Posted by: @polly
Posted by: @gavin

You make some good points, Polly. That vaccine does work in a different way from others. The unusual thing about this pandemic is that there is likely to be a selection of different vaccines available within a short space of time. When they become available, it will be worth doing your homework on how they differ.

The mRNA vaccines are much faster to make, so they are very likely to be the only type of vaccine available. 

One of the closest to market is the one developed by Oxford University, to be manufactured by Astra-Zeneca. It uses an adenovirus vector. The virus is genetically modified to resemble the coronavirus and elicit an immune response. Unlike the mRNA vaccines, it is this virus that is modified, not the patient's cells. Seems closer to traditional vaccines, but I am not an expert.

I may or may not be an enigma

A Night To ReMember
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Posted by: @gavin
Posted by: @polly
Posted by: @gavin

You make some good points, Polly. That vaccine does work in a different way from others. The unusual thing about this pandemic is that there is likely to be a selection of different vaccines available within a short space of time. When they become available, it will be worth doing your homework on how they differ.

The mRNA vaccines are much faster to make, so they are very likely to be the only type of vaccine available. 

One of the closest to market is the one developed by Oxford University, to be manufactured by Astra-Zeneca. It uses an adenovirus vector. The virus is genetically modified to resemble the coronavirus and elicit an immune response. Unlike the mRNA vaccines, it is this virus that is modified, not the patient's cells. Seems closer to traditional vaccines, but I am not an expert.

Yes that sounds like a traditional vaccine. I HOPE that is the one they push on us. 

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SANOFI's vaccine is also more like a traditional vaccine.

Sanofi, a straggler in the Covid-19 vaccine race, accelerates its plans

I may or may not be an enigma

A Night To ReMember
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Thanks Gavin. I just hope they will give us a choice. I never get flu shots, or any kind of vaccines. However, I am worried that if I have to go somewhere on a plane they will force it. And there is NO WAY I WILL EVER let them stick me with mRNA!

But even if I can keep myself safe from these experimental vaccines, I am concerned about the hundreds of millions of children who will get them. People are so trusting. And now we have censorship to protect us from "dangerous misinformation," so it's becoming very hard to find unbiased information.
