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Why am I the one that's always crazy?

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Look, death is certainly tragic... especially if it hits home... but as a combat medic I was trained to deal with it differently.... 

14,000 is only .004 % of the population of the US.
If all of those deaths occurred just in NYC that would still only equal .15 %.

Why the fuck are the damn Democrats still trying to drag Trump through the mud in the midst of this "tragedy"? Why isn't anyone giving serious consideration to the fact that... ALL IT TOOK WAS A VIRUS TO SHUT DOWN THE ENTIRE WORLD ECONOMY! Seriously, where are people's priorities at? How did we get to this place where we're more afraid of losing money than our lives? If you took money, the economy, this profit driven, debt based system of ours out of the equation... how far do you believe this virus would have spread out of Wuhan, China? 


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Uh-hu, well your not crazy alone, I'm with you, but I believe there is home grown collusion here too.  Who's son was tight with China too?  Who do you think China is T'ed off at for all the new tariffs?  Who has tried everything to destroy a sitting president, and would gladly destroy our economy to do it?  Who used to be a senator, a vp, is a presidential candidate, and is still tight with China?  Do I think this virus came from a wet market in China where people ate bats and snakes that just so happened to be with in a few miles of a bio chemical lab? "NOT !"  This is an attack on the world by an enemy of the World and anyone that might believe otherwise should continue to be fat dumb and happy until their demise.  There are too many sheep and lemmings in America that insist on believing the bunk spewed by the "political party of their parents, and grand parents".  Nuff said, now I'm T'ed off, again.

Music is an international language, say it with a song. deaconmusic4u@gmail.com

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I grew up in the sixties, and it comes to mind, in the immortal words of Bob Dylan, "The answer my friend, is blowin in the wind, the answer is blowin in the wind", literally.  How many of you recall, "peace, love, dove, bells, beads, light shows, incense, crash pads, hari Krishna, right on, and power to the people"?  Ah-ha, if you do, you're showing your age, heh-heh-heh.  Oh by the way the previous quote was stated by Tommy Chong.  You remember him don't you?  Daa..from the duo Cheech and Chong (Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong), for the millennials and genX on board.  I don't look at life as " everything is a conspiracy", however I did grow up in a period when many things the government and the news media, "the big three", told us weren't necessarily true to some extent.  We had to use our minds and common sense to figure out what was really going on.  It wasn't like today where reliable sources such as, faceplace, tweeter, myface, chapsnat, instagrumble, truetube, and peridope are there to tell you what you should think and believe.  And if you don't subscribe to any of these, there are a multitude of cable news networks that will do the same for you, and you don't even need a TV, you can just live scream it on your I phone, ( I think the I stands for IDIOT ).  Said all that to say this, we all need to listen, investigate, think, discuss, then form a rational opinion based on the evidence.  NOW I'M DONE, for now.

This post was modified 4 years ago by Deacon

Music is an international language, say it with a song. deaconmusic4u@gmail.com

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Our system is broken..... it's been "wagging the dog" so long there's no dog left in the fight. I sometimes wonder... what if it were actually possible to know the whole truth? If it turns out that all the rich and powerful, aristocratic, politically inclined ruling class on this planet are actually a bunch of inbred beanpods from outer space sent here to enslave humanity... will anyone truly be surprised?


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Nope, not me.

Music is an international language, say it with a song. deaconmusic4u@gmail.com

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Where's that beanpod Gavin at? I'll bet he has all the answers  🙂



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Posted by: @japov

Look, death is certainly tragic... especially if it hits home... but as a combat medic I was trained to deal with it differently.... 

14,000 is only .004 % of the population of the US.
If all of those deaths occurred just in NYC that would still only equal .15 %.

How 'bout 19,666 deaths...is that enough to cause concern?

That's an additional 5,666 deaths since you started this thread a week ago.

Here are the current stats - https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

If you scroll down to the tracking chart, you'll see that we now lead the world in total number of infections & total deaths.

Matter of fact, the U.S. has almost 4-times as many cases as it's nearest competitor (Spain).


BTW for anyone who believes that China's sub-par handling of the crisis is the reason it ended up here, I'd like to point out a simple fact.

Both total number of infections & total deaths for China are currently 1/6 of ours.

That's right, the U.S. has 6 times as many of both...and we are nowhere near our peak. 

So, if China did a miserable job handling their crisis, what does that say about us?

...nuf said.

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Init4theMusic

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Facts?  The T-R-U-T-H is we will never know what the friggin' facts are because China could have potentially been hiding this since last September! And since when have any numbers coming out of China EVER ADDED UP! WHY DO YOU THINK CHINA WAS SO QUICK TO BLAME US!?! China got to the point where they couldn't hide the outbreak anymore in November despite how many whistleblowers they "silenced"... and still wouldn't accept help from our CDC until December!  "...nuf said" MY ASS!


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Posted by: @japov

China could have potentially been hiding this since last September!

Posted by: @japov

And since when have any numbers coming out of China EVER ADDED UP

Posted by: @japov

despite how many whistleblowers they "silenced

Ok, let's say for the moment that you're right.

Where can I go to verify the claims you just made?

I offered verifiable sources & attachments to substantiate the validity of my comments.

Where are yours?


BTW, were you aware that China has it's own CDC?


Given that, why would they have looked to our CDC for help?

Have we accepted help from their CDC?


...and yeah, nuf said. You'll be arguing with yourself from this point forward.

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This beanpod has stayed away from this thread because I just don't want to get into an argument with some of my favorite people here. This isn't just the usual political stuff and I don't want to get into a fight about it. Things are hard enough already without that, so I'm going to stick to the music.

I may or may not be an enigma

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Lol… well, you'll always be my favorite beanpod Gav!  🙂


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OK, forget China... my emphasis was never China anyway... back to my original thought...


Don't you see how fragile our current system is? Even with all the checks and balances in place to keep government from "overreaching"... even with all the great mathematical brains in place to keep inflation from running rampant... even when the whole world agrees on fair trade and peaceful coexistence... the governed are still just a statistic, an acceptable loss. Don't you see it? If you tally up all the debt that every "modern industrialized"nation is in right now, you quickly come to realize that there isn't enough resources on the face of this earth to cover that debt. That kind of wealth, not to mention the actual money, simply doesn't exist. It's a fairytale in "banking cyberspace" perpetuated by debt, interest, and greed. Money has no actual value, nor does it even represent anything of actual value... Money is only worth what federal governments and banks agree that it's worth, and we, the governed indebted, faithfully and blindly press ever foreword in the name of peaceful economic prosperity... even if it costs our lives. Hmmm, perhaps I should rephrase my quote above...


While most of you would probably be content to allow this tragedy to go down in history as "The virus that trumped Trump"... I would simply like to ask, when in history has there ever truly been any checks and balances in place for the statistical governed? As a Christian, I know this is just a prelude to real.... well, you know.


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Of course... if you're crazy like me... you could see what's happening now as an opportunity for the "world wide labor force" to insist upon a little more appreciation and respect. Consider for a moment, if the statistical governed were smart enough to arrange a world wide strike the next time a so called "world leader" stepped out of line...  


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God's Timeline

By Hal Lindsey

""In all of history, only at the end of World War II did the world order change shape as rapidly as it is changing right now. And those changes were set up by a global war. Today's changes have come, seemingly, out of the blue. Yet, every day the world looks more like the one described in the Bible as existing during the time of the tribulation.

For decades, I have been teaching that these changes would come. But even for me, the pace and scope of change over the last few weeks has been stunning.

In Matthew 24 and 25, Jesus spoke extensively about His second coming. He included a list of signs. In chapter 24, verses 4-7, Jesus gave what have since become the most famous of those signs. He spoke of wars and rumors of wars, people groups rising up against other people groups, countries against countries, and of famines, pestilences, and earthquakes.

Then, in verse 8, Jesus said, "All these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs."

That's quoting the New American Standard Bible. In it, the word "merely" has been italicized. The translators weren't trying to emphasize the word, but to let us know that they had added it. "Merely" is not in the original text. A better reading would be, "These things are the beginning of birth pangs." As we suffer the present pestilence, we can see that there isn't anything "mere" about it - except when compared to what's coming.

When Jesus used the expression "birth pangs," He was comparing the end-times world to a woman in labor. "Birth pangs" are a series of contractions, waves of tightening and relaxing the uterine muscle. The process is called "cervical effacement and dilation." Relative to the lives of mother and child, it is an extremely brief period. But it can feel like it will never end. It is the painful and difficult transition of the mother's body that will allow her to give birth.

Contractions are usually characterized by an increase in frequency and intensity. If the earth itself and all the people on it are beginning to experience "birth pangs," it begs the question. What's being born? And the answer is astounding. The thing being born is a new world.

The signs will increase in frequency and intensity right up to the point when Jesus returns. Sounds terrible, right? That's why the seven-year period leading to the return of Jesus is known as "the tribulation." Jesus called the last three and a half of those years "great tribulation."

In Matthew 24:21, He said, "For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall."

Though we're beginning to feel the birth pangs, we are not in the tribulation period. Jesus will remove His people out harm's way before the judgments of tribulation fall on the world. That event is usually called the rapture. After that, people will still come to Christ. For the sake of those post-rapture Christians, the tribulation will end before the destruction of everything. And it will end with suddenness and brilliance. "For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be." (Matthew 24:27)

There are many extremely specific signs of the second coming, but no signs specific to the rapture. There can't be. If there were, the event would not be imminent. "Imminent" does not mean it will happen in the next hour. Imminent means that it could happen in the next hour.

James 5:8 says, "The coming of the Lord is at hand." That was almost two thousand years ago, so how could he say, "is at hand"? In this case, "at hand" means imminent. The first part of the Lord's coming - the rapture - could happen at any time. That means there cannot be any signs yet to be fulfilled before the rapture. Otherwise, it would not be "at hand."

In Luke 12:40, Jesus said, "Be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect." Jesus did not say, "Look for signs and when you see them, get ready." He said, "Be ready."

If you expect to go in the rapture, you may wonder why signs should interest you. If we're seeing signs of events that will take place after the rapture - and we are - we should be looking up, because it means the rapture must take place very soon!""

Stay frosty brothers-n-sisters! 😉



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