Hi, I'm Charlie. I used to post frequently on the JPFolks fourm, but haven't for a few years.
Looking forward to meeting folks here.
Welcome to the Junction, Charlie. Nice to have you here. You will have noticed that it took a little while for your first post to appear. This is because first posts need moderation. It's an anti-spam thing. Future posts should appear straight away, although sometimes the second or even third post also needs moderation - not quite sure why.
Thanks, no big deal on the moderation thing.
I was browsing the forum and noticed the lyrics showcase sub forum. Would that be the place to post finished lyrics ?
Hi Charlie. That subforum was created as a place for people to post a selection of their favorite lyrics. It was created because one of the members (you know who you are, Gary ? ) posts all his lyrics in one long thread which he calls his showcase. This seemed to confuse people and he didn't get as many comments as he might otherwise do, so I, as ADMIN, created the subforum for this kind of thing and suggested he post lyrics as individual topics in the main Lyrics Library. I think I just confused matters more LOL and might well go back and remove the subforum. So, to get to the point...it is best to post in the main Lyrics Library forum.
I may or may not be an enigma
Ok, fair enough. Thanks for the quick reply !